The Tuna: The Fruit Of The Desert And Highlands


One of the firsts sweet flavors any peruvian child try is the sweetness of a Tuna, a curious, colorful fruit but thorny that usually gives you, if not properly opened, a painful sensation of minuscule thorns inlaid in both of your hands… a small suffering that worth to be paid for this fruit of the desert.


La Tuna (Opuntia ficus-indica) or nopal in Central América, it’s a fruit well know in our country since pre-Columbian times and cultivated since about 2000 years ago, textiles and potteries describe ancient scenes in which the cactus of the tuna and the fruit itself has been portrait, or as well the presence of a  fungus that live in the plant’s leaves named Cochinilla , some of the cultures that offer evidence of this are: Huari, Tiahuanaco, Chimú and Inca. The investigations has proven that Cochinilla  (Dactylopius coccus Costa) is in 47 of 52 textiles examined, nowadays we still use this natural pigment especially in the cosmetic industry, a plant cultivated and consumed more than 2000 years ago. The Tuna was taken by the Spaniards to Europe and then distributed to the rest of the world


The adaptability of this plant is fantastic, to be more precise this humble plant grows in different climates and terrains, it resist drought and aridity, and is cultivated from sea level to 8,000 feet above sea level (3,000 masl) although it’s best production occurs in between 1,700 to 2,500 masl with temperatures that fluctuate between 12 to 34 C. (50 to 72 F.) In Perú the plant grows up to 1 or 2 meters high. Fruits are green, orange or red.


This internationally cataloged as “exotic fruit” gets also other names across South and Central America, in México it’s named nopal and in other sites of Central America: Alquitira, Choya, Higo chumbo , etc.


Finally, Perú has one of the world’s largest productions of tuna, also first place producers of Carmín (red pigment made from the squeezed cochinillas), we cover 85% to 90% percent of international demand. The main producer zone of this product in the country is Ayacucho.


Delitious fruit from the desert and the arid highlands,  if you ever come to this latitude don’t forget to put it in your must-try list.

The tradition of wearing hats in Perú

This tradition dates back to the early 16th century, the Spaniard conquistadors were in Perú to impose a new life style, a new religion, even a new was not enough with steeping over their costumes, they even dictaded how many time the indigenous had to go to church and how regularly they had to wash themselves.

Hats are one of the fundamental pieces of the highlander’s wardrope, next to ponchos and chullos (sleeveless   sweaters and woven huts); but are at the same time an alien piece to us imported from europe, an addition to the Peruvian indumentaire.

It was embraced by the natives, and they like it so much that now is fully adapted to their needs, it comes in diferentes shapes, sizes and colors; men, women and children wear it and they can’t imagine their life without it.


In this picture I’m showing you the traditional hat from Huancavelica, a style you will see in most of the central – south highlands of Perú, it’s color will be mainly dark (from the blacks to the beiges,  basically all the tones that exist in between) with no ornaments and usually slightly smaller than the head that wears it, to give the effect of a beautiful doll-head.


I went to a local market in Huancavelica city on the search of the perfect hat for me, to wear it in the big city, proud of my indigenous heritage (not an easy task in a big city, racist, melting pot place like Lima). When I start asking for the huts everybody looked stranged at me, first thought is regularly that I has not Peruvian, second that I was crazy (first time a young, western-looking peruvian woman asked for that kind of item) many women stare at me with surprised and laugher is second reaction, I laughed as well, after all I am a bit loca sometimes…they were not that far away from the truth.


I finally got my hat at the stand of a kind lady, she was with and old woman and her baby, the old lady spoke in quechua and laugh on me when I’ve tried the first hat (I was getting used to that) they attend me for about 30 minutes without complaining until I finally felt in love with one. It only costed me 35 soles (about 12 US dollars) but that moment turned into one of the highlights of my trip. I took it home, I still wear it, and I can tell you that it is a great conversation piece.

One day at the beach Callao – La Punta


We spend a fantastic day by the beach , at an old big boat…my daughter my husband and I went to the quiet area of La Punta ( wealthy neighborhood of Lima )

and took the first boat that was leaving to the sea, we spend 1 hour seeng the wonderful yatchs and old houses









we saw the Fonton island were long ago was a jail, and we took a bit of fresh air far away from the always bussy Lima


If you ever come to Lima city, don’t forget to visit La Punta – Callao.

With love. Kind regards!

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Exotic religion: Virgen de Chapi celebration. AREQUIPA – PERÚ

How amazing!! The way peruvians, indiand men and women from all over the highlands of this country still fell and celebrate  the religion as many generations behind did, but on top of that, as our pre-hispanic ancesters did, this video show us a special mass celebrated in honor if the “Virgen de Chapi” venerated in Arequipa. Dancers come to the church in this magical moment, dress up in their typical costumes, many devoted people prayed at this sacred place asking to the virgin for they wellness and their family’s. Faith can move the mountains they say.

Location: San Francisco Church – Arequipa

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Condors in Arequipa – PERÚ


What a wonderful experience!, to be in the middle nowere, next to the andes, in the south Peruvian highlands, and not only because of the unique and quiet landscape, also because the energy that is emanated in this place and the history that is touchable in every little town along the Colca Valley of Arequipa in Perú.


One of the unforgettable experiences was the one of seeing the flighing of the magestic condor, yet consider a sacret animal by the local people of this region since the time of our ancesters.

Here I share with you a video of my experience with them, and if you ever want to see the in real life, or visitig oher places in this wonderful south american country please contact me at the following email: or by skype: exotic.america

Enjoy it

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Roasted Rainbow Carrots Wrapped in Bayonne Ham

I think this is a fantastic and easy option. Una opcion facil y deliciosa




There’s something amazing about Rainbow carrots! I don’t know why, but I like them so much better than regular carrots. Kind of like how Heirloom tomatoes are tastier than regular ones. There’s something about their beautiful colors, that make them much greater.

View original post 473 more words

Visitando el hotel Maria Angola – Lima

Hoy me encuentro en uno de los mejores hoteles de Miraflores – Lima ; el hotel Maria Angola cuenta con mucho prestigio y excelente ubicacion.



Puedo comentarles que la atencion es buenisima, con las habitaciones amplias y con calefaccion/aire acondicionado, mi habitacion tenia una tina amplica que llene de inmediato de agua tibia y donde me sumergi por varios minutos..



para mejorar la experiencia un pisco sour! Cortesia de la casa


Este es el segundo dia que paso en este hotel, por lo cual tengo solo una mla experiencia con el servicio, las llamada de “despertar” que te ofrecen dar en la recepcion no siempre se da, yo la solicite para las 3 am y desafortumadamente nunca me la dieron .. asi que les recomiendo que programen su alarma antes de confiarse.

Continuando con las cosas buenas el desayuno es riquisimo de tipo buffet..excelente para recargar energias antes de cualquier actividad en la ciudad.

En general me parece una buena opcion, le doy 4 dedos arriba de 5

Tour Culinario en Lima

La semana pasada tuve la oportunidad de trabajar para un grupo fabuloso de chicas norteamericanas, y parte de su visita en Lima era ofrecerles algo unico, distinto a los tours tradicionales de museos y centro historico, asi que aposte por la opción gastronomica y las lleve al distrito de Chorrillos, a la conocida playa La Herradura para que conocieran el restaurante “Sirena”, a conocer al chef Roberto y su clase maestra de ceviche y pisco sour


Cada una conto con sus propios implementos y se vistieron acorde con la situacion 😉


Nuestra ubicacion no pudo ser mejor, al lado del mar! Que fresco. El resultado no pudo ser mejor


Luego un merecido chapuzon ( aunque sea solo de los pies) para terminar esta visita.

Si estan de visita por Lima y quieren conocer más de nuestra gastronomia no olviden visitar el restaurante Sirena, si necesitan más información no duden en escribirme. Vengan y disfruten de la ciudad!!